Welcome to Brothels Germany. This site is determined to be the definitive site for all your curiosity about brothels in Germany.
We’ll be addressing topics such as:
- Brothels vs. Hochhaus vs. FKK
- Updated locations of brothels across many large cities (perfect if you’re just visiting Germany for vacation or just happen be passing through)
- Lexicon of all the German terms and what all those abbreviations mean
- Updated locations of brothels near large company head-quarters (perfect for those that are on business trips visiting your customer or vendors)
- Information on neighbouring DACH countries such as Austria and Switzerland
- Where to find out more information (forums, other sites, etc.)
- Map of all known brothels locations with information about their address, opening hours, and what type of payment they accept
Thank you for visiting the site. A new post will be uploaded every few weeks.
– Brothels Germany